Have you been thinking about seeking therapy but hesitant or not really sure if it's right for you? Therapy can be beneficial not just for specific mental health concerns but also for simple personal growth. Here are some signs that you might benefit from therapy:
1. Persistent Anxiety, Difficulty Controlling Worrying, or Feeling Overwhelmed
If you're experiencing intense anxiety or difficulty controlling worrying and you find that it is affecting your daily life, therapy may help you manage and cope with these emotions. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges and cannot find a way to accept life on life's terms. Therapy can provide support and tools to help you manage stress and regain a sense of power over the things that you can control and release the attempt to control the things that you can't.
2. Low Self-Esteem, Changes in Sleep or Appetite, Loss of Interest in Activities, or Trouble Concentrating
Feeling bad about yourself, experiencing significant changes in sleep patterns or appetite, losing interest in daily activities, and/or having trouble concentrating can all be indicators of depression or other underlying emotional issues. If you're finding it hard to engage in life in a positive way, therapy can help you explore the underlying causes, build healthy coping skills, and increase your self-esteem so you can engage in life and enjoy it once again.
3. Experiencing a Traumatic Event or Showing Signs of PTSD
Have you experienced a traumatic event (or events) and find yourself struggling with symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of certain people/places/things, or excessive worry or hypervigilance? Trauma-focused therapy (such as EMDR therapy) can be highly effective in reducing trauma symptoms to return your system to a state of safety and provide you with a sense of wellness.
4. Difficulty Coping with Stress and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Maybe you are finding it hard to handle everyday stressors, whether related to work, relationships, or other aspects of life. Maybe you are using substances, self-harming, or engaging in other unhealthy behaviors to cope with emotions and stress. Therapy can help you learn healthier coping skills and ways to manage unpleasant emotions or even change your external environment in order to feel healthier and more at peace.
5. Challenges in Relationships
Relationships can be difficult, whether they are with family, friends, colleagues, or others. If you are experiencing conflicts in your relationships, having trouble communicating effectively, or feeling disconnected from others, therapy can help you learn new relationship skills and ways to improve relationship dynamics. Sometimes it just takes a little outside perspective to make big changes.
6. Major Life Transitions
Sometimes change can be hard. Significant life changes, such as job shifts, loss of relationship(s), beginnings of new relationship(s), or relocation, can lead to emotional challenges. Therapy can assist you in navigating through these changes to create a "new normal" that you find comfortable and possibly even better than what you had before. Utilizing outside support can be very important in a time of transition.
7. Lack of Fulfillment
If you're feeling unfulfilled in your life or unsure about your goals or direction, therapy can be a place for you to explore your aspirations, ideals, and values. Your therapist can provide guidance, helpful suggestions, or new thoughts and ideas. Therapy can provide you with a space where you can figure out what you really want and how to motivate yourself to pursue new things.
8. Unresolved Grief
Have you experienced a significant loss, whether it's the death of a loved one or a pet, the end of a relationship, loss of a job, or something else? Are you finding it difficult to cope or move forward? Processing grief can be difficult and it can look different from person to person. Your therapist can provide you with space to process your grief in the way that best helps you and works for you.
9. Curiosity for Self-Exploration
You don't always have to have a "big problem" or psychological disorder to seek therapy. In addition to providing space to address problems, therapy can also be valuable for general personal growth and self-discovery. If you want to learn more about yourself and your motivations, therapy can be an open, supportive, (and confidential) environment for exploration.
Seeking therapy can be a positive step towards taking care of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. If you're experiencing any of these signs or simply feel like you could benefit from talking to a professional, consider reaching out to discuss your concerns and explore your options. Visit our contact page to reach out. We are happy to answer any questions or discuss how we can help.